The new app takes shape in the summer heat

The new app takes shape in the summer heat

The handball coach app of the future is soon a reality! We know that! We, along with you, are making it.

When the idea of bringing Learn Handball into the app world was launched, the commitment from you was huge. So many inquiries came in that we didn't have time to interview all of you. Thanks to lots of great input in the interview rounds, and along the way from focus groups, our new app is now starting to take shape. Good handball professional content, wrapped with ease and good usability will make your handball everyday easier.

We're spicing up the app with several new features, including making it easier to send videos to players, and improving the interaction between coaches in a coaching team.

Work is being done on blast to launch and we see the light in the tunnel. The launch date has not been fixed yet, but it will arrive in Q3.

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