We have now published Learn Handball Skills - lots of exercises that kids can do all by themselves

We have now published Learn Handball Skills - lots of exercises that kids can do all by themselves

We've long wanted to give kids an alternative to standing outside and tinkering with a football. Children's play with ball provides increased ball sensation and control resulting in mastery and enjoyment. That's why we're now launching Learn Handball Skills.

Exercises kids can do all by themselves. Independent of organized hall training. At home in the hallway, out in the yard or in the street, to and from school or in the woods. Everything depends on what suits the children. We want the handball to be as good an option to take to school as a football.

Tips for all parents

Don't pack the handball away in a cupboard when you get home. Leave it in front so that the threshold for taking it out with you to play is as low as possible. All play with ball increases ball sensation and control—resulting in children experiencing mastery.

Below an image from a video in which Bjarte Myrhol and a 9-year-old boy demonstrate the exercise: Stuss in 8 numbers. Learn Handball has added up to a new exercise every week.

Log in and enjoy ball drills — of course age-appropriate.

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