Honors to the handball guys at the sports gala: “Success is built on healthy values”

Honors to the handball guys at the sports gala: “Success is built on healthy values”

The handball guys took the step from the stands and onto the big stage during the sports gala, with the award for Team of the Year and Team of the Year by Bjarte Myrhol for Model of the Year. The recognition shows that the success of the national team is only about sporting achievements, but also about values and attitudes.

Visom who works with Learn Handball knows that Bjarte can talk warmly and for a long time about the topics he is passionate about. Honor and honor to one's own person, on the other hand, is not something that makes a handball boy captain talkative. Therefore, a conversation about the selection for the Model of the Year at the sports gala is very quickly about everything but how exactly it feels. Menhan admits it hangs high...

“It's a wonderful feeling to see that people value both our results and the way we perform. There are so many wonderful role models among Norwegian athletes, so it is clear that this is a must.”

MenBjarte would rather talk about the team he is a part of, the ones that became this year's lagi razor sharp competition with top athletes from several branches. More precisely, he wantto talk about how important healthy values on and off the field are to the sporting success handball guys are now experiencing. Values that allow humility and sky-high ambition to work together, both in individual players and teams. It is in this context that we can get Bjarte Myrhol to talk about what it means to be a role model.

“Values a very important part of Christian Berge's work. Values are central to building groups that work together, and this is perhaps what he is best at. I think there are two things that make the national team now experience success: the cohesion of this group in combination witha very clear handball philosophy. Cohesion is created when we put the players and the team before ourselves, and then the good interaction comes. Here I think the national team we have now are good role models. This is a bunch that manages to haveenormously high ambitions, while preserving ground contact. We have managed to turn that into a competitive advantage.” says Bjarte.

Staying true to a healthy value base is extremely important, both for the national team and the Danish players who are now coming out to top international clubs, the captain of the team.

“For me, it has been very easy to maintain the fundamental values we cultivate in Norwegian sport, and that has been one of the success criteria in my career. That's also my main advice to the young guys who are going out. It would be greatly appreciated that you take care of and talk to everyone with the same respect, and show that you wish the club and the players the best. You should treat people equally and with respect, regardless of whether it's the cleaners in the hall, the judges or the boss. These are attitudes that are not taken for granted, but are felt and appreciated in the environment.” says Bjarte.

Hanhar has had a long career at the international top level, and now finds that the dream of a national team at the top of the world has become a reality. That both that sporting success and the way the players appear reaping honours on the grand gala stage feels good, admits the captain.

“It had been a vague dream that we would also get there, in the company of so many amazing performers. It's actually been a small goal for us, because it's probable proof that people care about what we're doing and recognize the way we appear. There is a lot of hard work and patience behind it, and when the results come, the interest in men's handball that has been latent among the public also blossoms.” says Bjarte.

Two national teams in World Cup finals in one year means an increased interest in handball, and that children and young people get to know new role models. Bjarte believes that the new stars that are coming up are emerging in a way that helps us to awaken the joy of handball. The fact that the success of the national teams leads to increased recruitment is one of the things that pleases him the most. Then we must seize the opportunity, and actively work on attitudes and valuesalready from the children's first encounter with the sport.

“Communication is one of the things that distinguishes good and very good coaches, it concerns both front width and top. There are many ways to communicate with children, but everyone mustexperience to be seen and heard, and that they gain ownership of the handball. If we manage each one, I think we will succeed in anchoring the joy of handball deeper into the children. The role of the models in this is to show that the same basic values we communicate to children apply to those who play in the national team. We will cultivate unity and joy, even when the seriousness is great.” says Bjarte.

Hanhar followed the discussion on early specialization and on the need to preserve play sports.

“I know there are a thousand opinions on this subject, but my position is very clear. For me, it is clear that children's sports are all about having fun. As soon as we move into one-form for kids training which is all about creating loners, then I fall out. Then I'm not interested. We're still going to differentiate on the training, but it's the opposite of cultivating the loners. We will ensure that everyone has challenges and development adapted to their level, and that all children experience mastery,” SierJarte.

He points out that handball must also change to catch the youngest.

“Engaging children requires a very different speed and excitement than in the past. We must follow this development, and make sure that the first throws and handball training are filled with lots of action, joy and excitement. And how do we do it? I mean we have to keep a little bit left with the “regular” handball game, where, for example, there is a very long transport phase from defence up into attack.Let kids play on smaller courts, with fewer players, soft ball and lots of speed.Not least, we need to get handball into schools, especially in the after-school arrangements.That's the way handball should be introduced to children,” says Bjarte.

From the first meeting, children's sports should also be about values. Bjarte believes that value work in sport is more important than ever. Children and young people follow the stars of sports through social media, and are exposed to values that partly stand in the way of those we associate with sports here at home. Then our own role models must be a counterbalance.

“This is so great about Norwegian sport, there are very few Norwegian athletes who fall under that category. I am a megafan of the way Norwegian athletes should appear. It can be a bit boring in the media sometimes, but we have an incredible number of healthy and good role models.” says Bjarte.

When the handball guys prepare for the European Championship in Croatia it is in a completely new situation, with expectations that the team will assert itself at the top for the third championship in a row. It doesn't bother this year's team and the key word is belief.

“What we have now, which is perhaps the most important thing, is that we have begun to believe. We have faith in aptitude, and have received the affirmation that we have the skills that make it possible. It is almost the optimal condition for success. I am actually a little annoyed that I have not dared to believe earlier in my career. But now we have built a solid foundation for the future, not least thanks to the guys who are coming up. These are fantasticyoungsters with their feet firmly planted on the ground, who know that it takes both hard work andinteraction over time. When we see players like Sander Sagosen andMagnus Abelvik Red who go straight in and claim themselves in the top leagues, then more eyes will be on Norwegian handball. It is also due to how they are there the publisher, listen to the coaches, are pleasant and positive types. It bodes well for the future, and that handball will continue to develop good role models for children and young people.”

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